Horrible Life Science


Take a guided tour through the life sciences by way of Headmaster Galahad and the acclaimed Horrible Science series: a fun and accessible introduction to the biology of cells, microbes, plants, animals, insects, disease, anatomy, and more!  Our end goal? To instill an unbridled love of science as a foundation for future in-depth studies in biology. In and outside the webinars, this class will focus on interactive instruction, the scientific method, life science topics, and critical thinking skills.

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Take a guided tour through the life sciences by way of Headmaster Galahad and the acclaimed Horrible Science series: a fun and accessible introduction to the biology of cells, microbes, plants, animals, insects, disease, anatomy, and more!  Our end goal? To instill an unbridled love of science as a foundation for future in-depth studies in biology. In and outside the webinars, this class will focus on interactive instruction, the scientific method, life science topics, and critical thinking skills.

This course covers:

  • Insects
  • Animals
  • Plants
  • Digestion
  • Evolution
  • Disease and immunity
  • The brain and nervous system
  • The digestive system
  • Anatomy basics
  • Microbes
  • Toxins
  • The natural world
  • and more!

This is a semester-long middle school course. Weekly webinars are 50 minutes long. Recordings are available for students who must miss a session.

Class content and learning objectives are partially adapted from the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for middle school biology.

Required Books

All books for this class can be found in the Horrible Science Bulging Box of Books (link to product on Amazon). Note: The nine other books in the set are used in our Spring Horrible Science class.

Horrible Life Science Booklist:

  • Angry Animals
  • Blood, Bones and Body Bits
  • Bulging Brains
  • Deadly Diseases
  • Disgusting Digestion
  • Evolve or Die
  • Microscopic Monsters
  • Nasty Nature
  • Painful Poison
  • Ugly Bugs
  • Vicious Veg

Another source for Horrible Books in the United States is Horrible Ray in California. Some books may also be available at your local library. Any edition is acceptable, so if you find inexpensive used copies, feel free to purchase them. Reading assignments are posted by section, not page number.

Topics Covered

Disease and immunity
The brain and nervous system
The digestive system
Anatomy basics
The natural world
and more!

Challenge Level

Aimed at students ready for work appropriate to grades 6-8. This is a middle school science course open to students ages 8 and up who are prepared to critically think and explore diverse science topics.

Time Commitment

TBD. In other Horrible Books-based classes, students report spending approximately 3 hours per week on homework outside of the webinar, including the reading assignments.


Headmaster Galahad

Reading List

Horrible Science Angry Animals
Horrible Science Blood, Bones and Body Bits
Horrible Science Bulging Brains
Horrible Science Deadly Diseases
Horrible Science Disgusting Digestion
Horrible Science Evolve or Die
Horrible Science Microscopic Monsters
Horrible Science Nasty Nature
Horrible Science Painful Poison
Horrible Science Ugly Bugs
Horrible Science Vicious Veg

Usually Offered

Fall Semester


None. Students must be able to read at the 5th grade level or above (Lexile 780+), and have sufficient typing skills to communicate effectively with classmates in complete sentences. Ability to compose a paragraph independently recommended but not required.

Available Sessions

Fall 2024 Thursday 12pm Pacific, Fall 2024 Friday 12pm Pacific