Online G3 courses have two main components: live weekly webinars and asynchronous “homefun” assignments.
Live webinars meet at a fixed time each week. During the 50-minute live webinar, students have the opportunity to interact with their classmates and teacher in real time with text, audio, and visual presentations. (No webcams are used.) However, sessions are also recorded for later viewing if students miss a session or wish to review the material.
Outside of webinars, students are invited to continue learning on their own schedule by completing asynchronous assignments throughout the week. These assignments may include readings, videos, written discussion forums, artistic projects, and more! Assignments are designed to be both fun and educational, while allowing for differences in student personalities and academic strengths.
Students (and parents) can always see course progress at a glance.
Progress bars on the left side of every class home page show a student’s overall progress in the course to date. Green boxes note assignments that the student has complete, while blue boxes note assignments that are incomplete or not yet attempted. Sometimes yellow or red bars reveal and assignment that has been returned to the student for revision.
At the week level, individual checkmarks help students keep track of the assignment that are due before the next webinar. Completion icons appear each week when the students complete the required assignments.
At G3, we see education as a partnership between students, parents, and teachers. We want parents to feel empowered to help their children choose appropriately challenging classes. Once classes begin, parents can help students acquire good study habits and make the best of use of the time and technology available. G3 teachers welcome email communication from both parents and students when more collaboration is needed to create the optimal learning environment for the student.
How can you best help your child succeed? Start by making sure your student has all of the appropriate tools, such as a headset, required books, and an updated web browser. Then, have regular conversations with your child about the topics being covered in class. Ask about interesting assignments, webinar discussions, and readings. Look for ways to extend your child’s learning in the community through museum visits, performances, and even a family movie night. Your demonstrated interest in your child’s classes can enrich the learning experience.
At G3, we believe the best learning takes place in a gradeless classroom, where students are free to follow their passions and customize assignments to meet their personal goals and interests. Traditional letter grades can diminish the joy of learning and discourage exploration. Therefore, G3 classes are designed to be grade-free, requiring only 75% completion of class activities to earn a completion certificate.