This spring, Online G3 is proud to be able to run our very first Case Method workshop: Madison and Hamilton Make Their Cases – A Workshop on Constitutional Quandaries. You might be wondering, [...]
It is probably obvious that I am a huge fan of Terry Deary’s Horrible Histories books. After all, as of the writing of this blog, I teach four different classes and workshops making use of [...]
By every metric that we are able to track, our trial runs of Biology, Beavers, and Bees, Oh My!, have been a huge success. Students love the material, the webinars are engaging, and the narrative [...]
Carl Sagan is famous for saying of science education in America: “Every kid starts out as a natural-born scientist, and then we beat it out of them. A few trickle through the system with [...]
I’ve been struggling to find time to review a set of old history books and biographies for this blog for a while but this became top-of-mind again as I work on a new self-paced course, coming [...]
Sometimes while introducing an event or moment in history, I’ll throw out a quick book recommendation to students who might want to dig into the day’s topic after the webinar is over. Most [...]
Memoir ‘44, released to mark the 60th anniversary of D-Day in 2004, is a strategy board game with deceptively simple movement and combat rules. It comes with just three general types of combat [...]